“ One who has not suffered from beauty, should come to Dolovo…” (Aksentije Maksimović)

Dolovo Ecomuseum - Heritage Treasury of Dolovo

Dolovo is  situated on western slopes of Deliblatska peščara  , on the territory of the city of Pančevo and it is 20km far from the centre of Pančevo and 35 km far from Belgrade.

Idyll of Banat - Heritage Treasury of Dolovo

Dolovo is situated on a plateau which is divided into several valleys, at the altitude of 111 metres, what makes it special in relation to other places in Serbian part of Banat. Hilly landscape in the middle of Banat plain.Traces of different cultures reflect in romantic facades, remains of folklore architecture and inheritance of the Serbs and the Romanians.

Lively picture of landscapes is completed by hospitality and tradition. It is famous for fertile soil and abundant crops, its strudels, sheep-milk cheese, good horses and wine. Vine has been raised here and vintage white and red wine have been produced here from the distant past.

Film village Dolovo - many famous domestic and foreign films were shot on locations in and around Dolovo.

Dolovo is a treasure of cultural heritage with numerous protected cultural monuments and archaeological sites.Travelling direction- on the left side of road Pančevo- Kovin, north-east of Pančevo.

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History of Dolovo

Dolovo was mentioned as a settlement for the first time in the year 1660 in Pećki Kastig ( a manuscript of the monks of Peć Patriarchy) under the name of Dolovi, what was connected to the appearance of fairy- tale landscape in which it originated. During the rule of Maria Theresa, Dolovo started to develop itself and was inhabited on a large scale from 1745- 1750, from the north of Banat and from the south by migration of the Serbs and from Romania.

The archaeological research, conducted at sites in Dolovo, proves that settlements existed in this place before. At the archeological site of Ciglana, research has shown that in ancient times and in the Middle Ages, there were settlements of Decani, Sarmatians and early Slavs, who lived here as free peoples from the then Roman Empire.


On entry into West Gate of Deliblato Sands

1. Tourist complex "Tamiški konaci" - Resort, educational center, horse stable, "Stari Tamiš" farm;

2. Old Oak forest Dolovo area, Natural Heritage; The Entrance to the Village of Dolovo

3. “Two White Ash Trees” Dolovo, protected Natural Monument;

4. Banat House Dolovo, erected 1913, Cultural Heritage – Eco Museum Interpretive Center Dolovo, ( Deliblaticum - Banat Greenway Info Center);

5. The Church of Transfer of the Relics of St. Nicholas “Mala-Gornja”, Dolovo - Serbian Ortodox Church built in 1888 on the site of the old church from 1765, a large psalter and the Throne Gospel from 1690. and the iconostasis from 1901. - protected Cultural Monuments of Great Importance;

6. The Church of St. Nicholas "Velika-Donja", Dolovo - Serbian Ortodox Church was built in 1811; 36 icons in the iconostasis and 2 paintings from the first half of the 19th century - protected Cultural Monument of Great Importance;

7. Romanian Orthodox Church, Dolovo, erected 1893;

8. Vodica of Saint Prophet Elijah, Dolovo;

9. St. Basil of Ostrog Serbian Orthodox Church, Leanka;

10. Birth house of Aksentije Maksimović, built in the first half of the 19th century (A. M. - 1847-1881, famous Serbian composer and conductor at the Serbian National Theater in Novi Sad), protected Cultural Monument;

11. "Aksentije Maksimović" Elementary School building, military building erected 1780, protected Cultural Monument;

12. SDAR Ethno House of Stajic Family, erected around 1725., protected Cultural Monument

13. Archaeological site "Ciglana" Dolovo; Wine Oasis Dolovo / Deliblato sands vineyards

14. Vineyard house “St. Trifun”, Dolovo

15. “Čojbašić” Winery, Dolovo

16. Vine Cellar “Missura Casa”, Dolovo


Natural monument "Two White Ash Trees", protected natural estate

Transfer of St. Nicholas' relics Church – "Mala – Gornja", Protected cultural estate - Historical landmark of great importance

Transfer of St. Nicholas' relics Church – "Velika - Donja", Protected cultural estate - Historical landmark of great importance

Romanian Orthodox church, Dolovo

Native house of the composer Aksentije Maksimović, Protected cultural estate - Historical landmark of great importance

SDAR Ethno house

Protected Area of Aak forests

Leanka (the Church of St. Vasilije Ostroški)

Banat House - Info Center Banat Greenway