Deliblato Sands area LABUDOVO OKNO
The „Labudovo okno“ area is mostly located within the boundaries of the Special Nature Reserve "Deliblatska peščara" and consists of the 20-kilometer-long course of the Danube, from Ada Žilova near Dubovac to the mouth of the Nera River. It has become recognizable as one of the most important migratory stations and wintering grounds for waterfowl from Europe.
"Labudovo okno" is an internationally important area for birds (Important Bird Area - IBA), a significant area for plants (IPA) and diurnal butterflies (PBA), and since 2006 an internationally important wetland habitat under the Ramsar Convention.
Marking the southern margin of the Pannonian Plain, "Labudovo okno" covers an area of 3,733 ha, the site encompasses an important stretch of the Danube and adjacent areas as well as the Nera River to the border with Romania.
Coordinates: 44 ° 48'N 021 ° 18'E.
Following the construction of the Iron Gate reservoir, the Danube water level rose and the river flow slowed down, causing the flooding of many river islets, lower coastal parts, and lagoons along the southern areas in the Deliblatska peacara Sands and created new aquatic and wetlands habitats. Permanent rivers and freshwater marshes are the main wetlands types, comprising diverse aquatic and wetland communities as well as wet meadows and steppe pastures along the riverbanks. Shallow waters of the Danube provide an ideal spawning area for many of the 50 supported fish species.