Deliblato is about 13 km far from Dolovo - road: Dolovo-Mramorak-Deliblato or road: Kovin-Deliblato. Deliblato is located on the edge of Special nature reservation Deliblatska peščara which is 2km away from northern part of the village, while western edge of the village is determined by the Special Nature Reserve ‘’Kraljevac’’.
1. Special Nature Reserve ‘’Kraljevac"
2. Serbian Orthodox Church ‘’Prenos moštiju Sv. Nikolaja"
3. Romanian Orthodox Church ’’Sv.Trojice’’
All data about this settlement date from the year 1660. Deliblato was built in 1689, with the school and church made of tree trunks and wood . By Maria Theresa’s decision from 1770 it was located within Military borderland, and then a great number of Serbian border guards and the Romanians settled in. In the year 1773 it was annexed to Illyrian- Banat, and two years later to German- Banat regiment. Military trivial school with German teaching language was open in 1780. Serbian Orthodox church was built up of solid material in the vicinity of the old one that was pulled down in the year 1778. Romanian Orthodox church was built up in the year 1925.
Special Nature Reserve “KRALJEVAC”
The localities of SNR “Kraljevac”: Obzovik, Spasovina and Kraljevac Lake.
- Protected natural estate of exceptional importance of the I category.
- It comprises the area of 264 ha and 30 a.
- Protection regimes of the I, II and III degree.
- Geomorphological , hydrogeological and biological values on three regional entities with different eco systems : Obzovik, Spasovina and a part of watercourse Kraljevac.
Relict plant communities of marsh fern and swamp common willow. Natural rarities, especially ground squirrel and mole rat. Floating isles of watercourse Kraljevac and water shafts which represent habitat of fish fauna and migratory species of swamp birds, as well as habitat for building nests of rare and endangered birds with water habitat. The guardian SNR “Kraljevac”: The Association of Sport’s Fishermens “Deliblatsko jezero”, Deliblato.
“ČARDAK” – Special Nature Reserve “Deliblato Sands”
1. Educational Centre “Čardak”
2. School and Recreational Centre “Čardak”
It encloses the central building where the classroom and smaller sport hall are located, a restaurant with the capacity of 400 persons and 7 pavilions out of which two are included in tourist offer. The pavilions “Nera” and “Brzava” with the capacity of 130 beds are intended for pupils’ and sports and recreational tourism. There are open sports grounds for soccer, basketball, handball and volleyball around the building, as well as the paths equipped with information boards.